I wasn't wrong either. This replica stands 5'11 and is made of foam rubber and latex. The hair is a synthetic hair to make it more realistic. Each replica is hand painted. Harley is sculpted from digital files from Batman: Arkham City. It's all a very impressive looking piece but all I can think about is someone is going to have sex with it. Sure, I know that is my sick mind and not the product itself but I can't get around it.
If the real product looks at good as the pictures, it is pretty impressive. If you're looking for a villain to outfit your Batcave this one is going to run you 1,200 dollars although you may find it slight cheaper at some online retailers. But to all you wannabe Batmans out there, please don't fuck the Harly replica.
In reality it will cost you 1300. The fleshlight is not included...