
Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Today’s update goes out to all those Game Master’s out there creating maps for your players to loot their way through.  Dungeon Masters, Storytellers, or whatever your game system calls them put a lot of time into running their role playing games.  One of those time consuming things can be creating maps for your locations.  Sure graph paper has been the old stand by for years but there are other options out there.  The ANAmap creator is one of those things.

The ANAmap tool is a free map editor.  It’s simple to use too.  The editor has a list of items you can add to a map; clicking on a space adds that item to the map.  Once you have everything laid out the way you want to you can add text to the map.  Then you can export the entire thing to a PNG and print it off for your next game session. 

There isn’t a whole lot you can say about the tool.  It’s incredibly simple to use, super convenient, and free.  I’ve already started using it for the game I’m running.  Check it out for yourself by clicking HERE. 

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