
Monday, September 9, 2013

Some Movies Have It Coming

I would like to introduce you to Rifftrax. If you already know Rifftrax, then you know just how awesome it is. If not, click on that there link and lose a few hours. Rifftrax is Mike (Mike) Nelson, Kevin (Tom Servo) Murphy, and Bill (Crow) Corbett. Also known as the stars of a little show called Mystery Science Theater 3000. What they do is create a "riff" that you download and sync up to the movie you want to watch. This is how they avoid those pesky lawsuits. It is fucking brilliant. I would suggest you watch one as soon as humanly possible. 

Might I suggest "Predator"? Yes I might.

Another thing that Rifftrax does is some shorts. These things are hilarious and well worth the few bucks they cost. Once again I have a suggestion. Goodbye, Weeds. In this short you learn valuable lessons. Like did you know there was a product that makes weeds commit suicide? Yep. Don't think too hard about it.

Plus this week there is a encore of their riff of "Starship Troopers" on the big screen near you! Go. It is well worth it. In October they are rocking "Night of the Living Dead"!

So grab some beer, curl up on the couch, and watch some awesome. Tell them F'ing Monkey sent ya. They will have zero idea what the hell you are babbling about!


  1. Laughed so hard I cried. Eat my shoe! Nude! These guys are brilliant!

  2. I tried to get tickets to the Starship Troopers encore. The day they went on sale, they were sold out before noon.
