
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Shark Week at Cold Stone

One of the things I love about my birthday is that it falls either during or very close to Discovery Channel’s shark week.  This year it will be starting on August 4th.  I complain that every year Discovery is losing their focus on conservation and that they need to showcase more sharks than just the great white, but then I prove myself to be a giant hypocrite and watch every second of new programming regards of what it is about.  I’m a weak person and I can’t deny the chance to watch sharks (other weaknesses include Komodo Dragons, non-cartoon Tasmanian Devils, and fire).

This year Discovery channel and Cold Stone Creamery have come up with the perfect treat to eat while watching Shark Week.  They’ve frozen buckets of chum and dipped them into…no that’s not right at all.  Actually they’re taking blue sweet cream ice cream, mixing it with graham cracker pie crust, and adding gummy sharks.  In the even bigger cake form they’ve added devil’s food cake and Oreo cookies to the mix.  I haven’t tried either of these yet, but they probably taste a whole lot better than a bucket of chum.  Here's hoping that there is a good special on hammerheads this year, because that'd make a pretty cool birthday present for me.

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