
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Joel Carroll Draws My Favorite Things: Part 3

This week we’re doing something a little different here at That F’ing Monkey.  While looking through my things the other night I realized I’ve been sitting on some amazing art work from Joel Carroll.  I’m lucky enough that I live near Joel, so I get to see him at a lot of conventions.  Every day this week I’m going to showcase another piece I’ve had commissioned from him.  Some are personalized pieces he did in his sketchbook others are character designs, etc.  When you’re done here make sure to go to and check out even more of his work.

Today’s Joel Carroll update was done inside another of Joel’s sketchbooks, A Sketchbook Filled with Little Things.  You can’t talk about my favorite things without mentioning Sharktopus.  The strange concept, the horrible CGI, and the amazing theme song are all things that I just can’t get enough of.  I chose Sharktopus for today’s update to remind everyone that SyFy’s most recent shark movie, Sharknado has an encore showing tonight at 7pm. 

I’m always torn by cheesy shark movies.  I love sharks; I don’t want to see them vilified.  On the other hand, I can’t get enough of seeing them take down people.  I think Discovery has lost its way with their Shark Week programming.  That conservation message is still there, it’s just getting harder to see through all of the Great White programming. 

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