
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Princeless: Volume 2

The second series of Action Lab Comic’s Princeless is hitting comic book shelves.  I really enjoyed the first volume so I was excited to see the story continuing.  Years ago I was sitting at a friend’s house and having a couple drinks.  Her daughter was pretty young at the time and the friend commented how she wanted a series of fairy tales where the princess didn’t need a prince to do the rescuing.  That the princess was important enough to have adventures on her own.  When I read through the first volume of Princeless I thought back to that old conversation and just smiled.

Action Lab sent me the first issue of the new Princeless and I jumped at the chance to read it.  The story picks up right where the first volume left off.  I think the first issue recaps the prior adventures enough that a new reader wouldn’t be lost, but I’d recommend tracking down the other issues.  The humor and warmth are still there.  Writer Jeremy Whitley is fantastic at getting laughs out of fantasy archetypes.  The adventurers introduced in this issue are worth the price of admission; everything else is just a bonus.  Emily Martin provides the art this time around.  It’s a solid effort too, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I missed M. Goodwin’s pencils on this.

Check out Princeless for yourself, either at your local shop or at Action Lab’s own website.

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