
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hangover Thursday: Maiden’s Kiss

It’s Hangover Thursday, how’s your head?  I spent Sunday with a good amount of Session Black so I haven’t really picked up anything new to drink.  I’m also made plans to be in Memphis at the end of July.  So if you’re familiar with the area and no of a good bar in the downtown Memphis area Brandon and I would sure appreciate the tips.

If you’re in Colorado you’re about to get one of the coolest looking beer labels I think I’ve ever seen.  Grimm Brothers Brewhouse is debuting their new Maibock Lager on May 1st.  The beer is named Maiden’s Kiss and the kickoff event will be at the World of Beer in Glendale, Colorado.  After that it should be available in Northern Colorado on May 3rd.

I am far outside the Grimm Brothers distribution area so I can’t really speak to their quality.  I shouldn’t want to try a beer just because of the name or label, but obviously I am easily swayed.  It isn’t just their newest beer either; the entire line has brilliant names and beautiful labels.  I’m a fan and I’ve never even tasted it.  If someone out that way wants to send a few bottles to Florida I wouldn’t complain.

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