
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Stoutheart Brewers

For the past few weeks I’ve been going over the numerous Games Workshop projects I’ve been working on.  Thanks in various stages of completion, sniper scouts, and my Necromunda Enforcers.  At this point all of those projects are on hold.  In fact I’m going to be putting them away so they aren’t even out on my hobby station so I can’t be distracted from my current task.  I have one project now and I won’t be working on anything else until I get some serious progress done on it.  You see Necromunda is fun, I love Warhammer 40k, but in my mind the best Games Workshop game ever made is Blood Bowl.

I’ve talked about it before, but Blood Bowl is a football/rugby hybrid game that uses the races of Warhammer Fantasy.  It is over the top, tongue-in-cheek violence with some sports rules thrown in.  Currently the video game version is getting some good exposure because a number of well known video game vloggers are in a tournament against each other.  I’m working on the table top version though and I’m rolling out the Dwarfs.

Not only am I putting together the team; I’m also working on a team coach who isn’t pictured in today’s update and this amazing beer cart.  I know there is a tank in the background, that isn’t part of Blood Bowl.  To be perfectly honest the cart doesn’t really serve an in game purpose either; I just think it will look really cool.  Eventually I want to add some musicians and an apothecary, but I already have a lot to start painting before I get any crazier. 

Oh, I might also be working on a Dwarf themed Blood Bowl pitch….  More on that later.

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