
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hangover Thursday: Mississippi Home Brew

It’s Hangover Thursday, how’s your head?  Mine is far too clear.  I haven’t been making it out to the bar nearly enough in the past month.  I miss it.  Of course more and more people are staying home and drinking their own beer now days.  And by that I don’t mean they’re staying home drinking beer they brought home from the supermarket, I mean they’re drinking beer they brewed themselves.

If you’re in Mississippi you could be legally brewing your own beer pretty soon.  A bill to allow home brewing is on its way to Gov. Phil Bryant.  There is a pretty good chance Bryant will pass the bill, last year he approved raising the state’s maximum alcohol limits on beer.  Currently you need to have a $1,000 commercial brewing license if you want to home brew, this bill will change all that. 

Currently Mississippi and Alabama are the only states where it isn’t legal to brew your own beer.  Alabama may not be too far behind Mississippi.  Rep. Mac McCutcheon has just introduced a home brewing bill.  It isn’t a sure thing for either state though.  Anytime alcohol is involved there are lobby groups ready to fight against it.  The big breweries also look down on home brewing; worried that it’s going to cut into their own profits.  

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