
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Xbox Live Year End Deals

We are a week away from Christmas. This is the time where people start getting frantic. Family visits, crazed shopping binges, and the other craziness the holidays can bring. You may find yourself struggling to get a few moments to yourself to relax. You might have to look longingly at your game console as you take people out to look at Christmas lights. It might be worth it to take 5 minutes and turn that Xbox on at least once a day until the end of the year.

Xbox Live has a pretty big sale going on until the New Year. Each day there will be a different deal revealed. These deals are for one day only. So if you’ve been waiting for a game or two to drop in price before picking them up, one of these upcoming days may be your lucky one.

On top of the daily deals are three pages worth of deals that will be up all month long. There are some crazy addictive games in there too. Peggle, Zuma, and Plants vs Zombies are all 50% off. Rockband 3 is 10 dollars off. Jet Set Radio and Meat Boy are also 50% off. Some of these might be older games, but they are fantastic games at good prices.

Finally, Bully: Scholarship Edition is 5 dollars off. I’ve talked up Bully on That F’ing Monkey before. It is still my favorite game Rockstar has ever made. It isn’t a pretty game on the 360, but I honestly can’t recommend it enough. The mini-games disguised as classes, the skateboard, the bike races, story, and the music all fit together so well. I had already been thinking about restarting the game again, now I think I’ll be doing it as soon as I get a good chunk of free time.

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