
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Black Beetle: No Way Out

Way back in January I was excited because Dark Horse had solicited a Dark Horse Presents with a story staring Francesco Francavilla’s character The Black Beetle. Not content with sharing a book with anyone, the Black Beetle is getting his own mini-series in January. The series is called No Way Out and will run four issues. There is also a zero issue that will collect all of the Black Beetle Dark Horse Presents issues.

If you’re not familiar with the Black Beetle he is a pulp hero that watches over Colt City. Expect two fisted justice, crazy villains, and lots of bullets. Black Beetle was created on Francesco’s Pulp Sunday blog and was eventually moved over to his own blog. Both of these sites are great places to go if you are still unsure about picking up the Black Beetle comic. If you look far enough back you can even see Francesco’s first teases of the Black Beetle as he worked on the concept.

No Way Out isn’t on the shelves right now, but it is available for pre-order. If you have a local comic shop, please tell them to pre-order the comic for you. Black Beetle isn’t another generic character spun out of some spandex filled mega-event. He is a creator owned character in a genre that we don’t see enough of. Every pre-order is going help show Dark Horse that we want to see more of the Black Beetle; that we want to see more original ideas and characters. If the current reboots at DC and Marvel have you disillusioned with comics, please pre-order the Black Beetle and give it a try.

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