
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Blog, Blog, Bloggity Blog

We really haven’t had a Blog update in a while. Last month I made some pretty big changes to the layout. If you haven’t noticed we now have new buttons at the top of the blog. I wanted to make it easy to find information about Brandon and I, make it easy to contact us, and easy to buy are awesome T-Shirts. The new layout also lets us post larger pictures and videos at their full size. It took me a little bit to get used to, but I’m pretty happy with it.

There is also a button for our web comic The Ballad of Kid Largo. Outside of Brandon, I’ve gotten very little feedback on it, so I hope people are enjoying it. We’ll be running it at least until the end of November. Pushing the site in new directions is a big part of my current vision. I don’t expect for everything to work out, but I want to try. So on top of comic strip we’re going to be releasing a podcast either at the end of November or the start of December.

Please remember that we are on Facebook at and I’m on Twitter at Thanks to everyone who visits That F’ing Monkey. We are trying to make the site better and add new things to keep you entertained, so please make sure to mention us to your friends.

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