
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Solar Bears

The NHL wants to break my heart again this year. There is still no end in sight to the lockout. This is the third time the NHL has had a lockout since Gary Bettman became the NHL commissioner. I still hope there will be a quick solution and we don’t lose any of the actual season but it looks pretty grim. That doesn’t mean I won’t be watching hockey though.

The ECHL Solar Bears will be playing in Orlando this year. I realize this is not major league hockey. As with all sports, there is a big difference between the play in a minor league game and a major league game. It doesn’t matter though, I love watching hockey live. I’m even happier when I can get a ticket for 20 bucks too.

I already love my new team because they took the name of Orlando’s old IHL team. I still remember when the name Solar Bear was first announced. Too be honest I didn’t care for it much, but after six years of fantastic hockey I grew to love it. Now the Bears are back and I can’t wait until October to see them drop that puck.

Does anyone else have their Hockey backup planned out? What’s your favorite minor league hockey team? As a Wings fan I also have to state that I love watching some Grand Rapids Griffins.

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