
Monday, June 18, 2012


As of late Kickstarter has been experiencing a golden age. Lots of nerdy stuff has been funded to the extreme, such as the Shadowrun Returns campaign that hit 459% funding. Well right now friend of the blog (and reason I am known as "Cake Fucker") Chris Moreno and Paul Jenkins are looking to do a new Sidekick project

If you don't know Sidekick it is the "Benny Hill of Superheroes" and I would suggest reading this review by as they sum it up much more eloquently then I ever could. They have already hit their first goal of $5000 bones and because of that we get to see this...

Now the funding must continue so we can see Paul run through Atlanta's Olympic Centennial Park dressed in an ol' time bathing suit and Chris dressed as a Klingon at DragonCon. This must be seen.

As always Let Your F'ing Voice Be Heard! In the comments, our Facebook, or the Contact Us button. And remember if you ever meet Chris he loves signing the nastiest porn comics you can find, just tell him That F'ing Monkey sent ya.

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