
Friday, June 22, 2012

Flash Friday: Speed Force Turns 4

Happy Flash Friday everyone! This may be a surprise to some people, but That F’ing Monkey is not the best place to get your Flash news. My strict one post a day policy and saving almost everything Flash related means that some important announcements get overlooked. The does not happen on, they are the best place for Flash news. On June 15th the website hit its 4 year mark.

I know the majority of my website traffic on Fridays is probably familiar with Speed Force, Kelson and his crew have gone out of their way to send traffic here. Kelson, Devin, Lia, and Greg consistently put out great Flash content. Way back in 2010 Speed Force even ran an article written by yours truly! Congratulations to everyone over at Speed Force, may there be many more years to come.

I know this is a short update this week, but I felt this was important.  Thank you Speed Force for everything you’ve done for That F’ing Monkey, it is appreciated.

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