
Monday, June 25, 2012

Bwackest Night

Super busy today so I just leave you with this amazing picture.

It is called Bwackest Night by Charles Ettinger. I love how Daffy has the Orange ring, because Geoff Johns said that Larfleeze sounds like Daffy in his head.

Do you see your favorite character and think the color is right? (Mine is Wile E. Coyote and it makes sense that he is a black lantern, dude should have died a long time ago. What with all the falling off cliffs and shoddy ACME products) Let Your F'ing Voice Be Heard in the comments, our Facebook page, or hit the contact us button.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that the 3 Little Bops and their Big Bad Wolf are in this made my day.
