
Monday, May 28, 2012

Voice Star Wars

I am a huge fan of voice actors. I think the ability to perform using only your vocal chords and make one laugh or cry (Jurassic Bark I am looking at you through tear filled eyes). I had the great fortune to interview my share of voice actors when I used to work on a radio nerd show - The Sci-Fi Zone - many moons ago. They were all a delight to chat with, more so than some of the on-camera folks we talked to.  I even bought Mark Hamill's "Comic Book - The Movie" just because it stars voice actors. 

Yeah I am an unapologetic fanboy.

So when I ran across this slice of nerdvana I was an ecstatic geek. Yes it is over an hour long and well worth every second. However if you don't have that much time to kill then just watch from the 4:44 to the 9:03 marks. It is well worth your time.

So do you have any sweet voice actor stories you want to share? How about your favorite cartoon character? Let Your F'ing Voice Be Heard in the comments, our Facebook page, or the Contact Us button.

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