
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Max Overacts On Sale Now!

Max Overacts, the fantastic webcomic created by Caanan Grall is something we’ve talked about a lot on this site. We call Caanan an honorary member of team F’ing Monkey because he is the person who designed our mascot Punch. That means anything Caanan puts out, I’m going to promote as much as I possibly can.

Way back in August I had pointed everyone towards the fundraising page so Caanan could print the first volume of Max comics. If you donated enough to get a book, you’re in luck. The books have left the printer and should start shipping sometime in Mid-March. If you didn’t donate during the fundraiser, you can go to the Occasional Comics store and pre-order your copy now!

In case you can’t tell, I feel pretty strongly about this book. If you haven’t read any of Max Overacts, check out the Occasional Comics website. I honestly can’t imagine anyone not wanting a collected edition after they start reading it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting one, but I should probably get about four 'cause of how many times I know I'm going to lend mine out.
