
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hangover Thursday Needs You!

It’s Hangover Thursday, how’s your head? Today is going to be a little different than other Hangover Thursdays, because instead of showing you new alcohol related items I’m going to be asking you for some. Well actually I’m asking you for some beer suggestions. It will all make sense I promise.

I worry a lot about getting new content and readers to the site. Between my real job, the website, my family, and other hobbies I have to juggle some times. Those days the updates may not be as long and well thought out as updates where I’m able to take my time. Hangover Thursday is one of those things I would like to improve. Here is where you, the reader, come in.

I’m looking for new beer. Beer I can drink and review here. If it can be found in Florida and Texas, Brandon will drink and review it too. Sounds like fun doesn’t it? All I need is some of your suggestions. Because it will take some time to find the beer, research, and review it this will probably happen about once a month. If you have something you want us to try, please click on the “F’ing Email, Click Here” button on the right hand side of the site.


  1. it's funny, i was going to see if you could show me some beers i might like at megacon (assuming you're going to be there of course) i have never found a beer that didn't taste like pee to me and i've tried soooo many. i think i'm just a girly drink drunk (points if you remember that!) but i'll be there with friends that whole weekend so i thought maybe we could meet up and have a drinking education class :)

  2. Heather: Oh hell yeah. I am not 100% on my Megacon plans this year, but I'm close enough that I will come out one night and meet some where for drinks and stuff. There are more then enough places around to drink at. I think there is even a World of Beer like 10 mins from the Convention Center. If you can't find a beer you like there, I don't think you ever will.

  3. Brandon- Yes! Double points for enthusiasm

    Ken- Awesome! I'm sure I'll find you at the Con one of those days. I intend to buy a t-shirt. I'm on the Womanthology panel on Saturday so if you go that day there will be at least one place you can find me!
