
Thursday, November 3, 2011

F’ing Update

I know what you’re thinking, where is Hangover Thursday? Never fear. We’ll have some Hangover and Flash talk tomorrow. Like chocolate and peanut butter, they’ll take even better when put together! Today I want to talk a little about the website. It has been a while since I’ve actually talked about what is coming up and what is going on behind the scenes etc…

The first thing I want to get out of the way is we now have over 400 posts. Somehow I was so busy writing about other nonsense that I totally missed the milestone. I will not make the same mistake when we hit 500. A big thank you goes out to the people who continue to read and to those who are following either on Google or on Facebook. We really do appreciate it.

If you were around last year you might remember we did all sorts of site updates and redesigns at the end of the year. I am not currently looking into doing that this year. I am happy with the layout and I am more than happy with our mascot Punch. You may see one or two minor tweaks, but it will pretty much stay the same.

I wouldn’t expect any large gaps in updates when the holidays roll around either. So if you need a ha-ha break during your trip to the in-laws house; we’ll be here. The last thing I wanted to mention, you’re going to be holiday shopping soon and we have the perfect gift right HERE.

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