
Monday, October 31, 2011

This is Halloween

Happy Halloween all! Us here at That F'ing Monkey love us some dress up, so it is no surprise that we love Halloween. This year I have been a bit too busy to get my normal hard core costume together so I just threw on my old Ravenclaw Quidditch robes for the Saturday festivities and called it a night.

Ravenclaw: We think we are way smarter than you

If you are looking to get into the spirit of the day go and order your copy of Zombie Dickheads if you have not already. I got mine last week. I tell ya that Moreno guy may smell a bit funny but he sure does have quick postage. Also the book is an awesomely fun read and will leave a smile on your face. Perhaps in the next few weeks I will do a full review, so stay tuned.

So what did you do for this Samhain? Let us know in the comments or on our Facebook page, and if you have pictures of the masquerade parties let us see them as well.

And just encase you thought ridiculously elaborate light shows were just for Christmas here ya go..

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