
Monday, October 10, 2011

Random Stuff

I have just a quick random stuff update for ya today.

First up - Hockey season finally started last Wednesday. So Go Lightning!

On that same note, the Comic Hockey League is in a lockout this year. Some ownership problems have kept us off the fantasy charts for the season. It has become a staple of my Hockey season and I am going to miss it this year, but c'est la vie. Perhaps next year we will open up expansion to some readers.

Next - The Zombie Dickheads One-shot is avalible to buy starting today

So go and buy it right now, I will wait...Buy the Dickheads!
See now you can be happy in the knowledge that you have got a comic coming to you in the mail soon.

Finally I was sick all weekend and that sucks. What sucks more is that when you are single and sick you have no one to whine to and to bring you medicine. Also I watched a ton of Netflix on the ol' Xbox. During that time I came up with an interesting (to me) theory on the show "Cheers" that I will do a full post on next week. So come back for that. You know you want to.

As always Let Your F'ing Voice Be Heard in the comments or on our facebook page.

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