
Monday, October 31, 2011

This is Halloween

Happy Halloween all! Us here at That F'ing Monkey love us some dress up, so it is no surprise that we love Halloween. This year I have been a bit too busy to get my normal hard core costume together so I just threw on my old Ravenclaw Quidditch robes for the Saturday festivities and called it a night.

Ravenclaw: We think we are way smarter than you

If you are looking to get into the spirit of the day go and order your copy of Zombie Dickheads if you have not already. I got mine last week. I tell ya that Moreno guy may smell a bit funny but he sure does have quick postage. Also the book is an awesomely fun read and will leave a smile on your face. Perhaps in the next few weeks I will do a full review, so stay tuned.

So what did you do for this Samhain? Let us know in the comments or on our Facebook page, and if you have pictures of the masquerade parties let us see them as well.

And just encase you thought ridiculously elaborate light shows were just for Christmas here ya go..

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Turner Classic Movie Lineup IV

Halloween weekend is in full swing. For the past couple Saturdays I’ve been posting Turner Classic Movie’s horror schedule. The only difference in today’s post is that I’m listing three days worth of movies. That’s right. Starting tonight there are some fantastic movies about to show. I’m including Forbidden Planet on this list, not because it fits, but because it is too fun not to watch. Tonight is all about director Val Lewton. Not only are they showing a documentary about him, but they are showing 7 of his movies.

Saturday Oct 29th

8:00 pm Cat People

9:30 pm Martin Scorsese Presents, Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows

11:00 pm The Body Snatcher

12:30am Isle of the Dead

2:00 am Bedlam

3:30 am The Seventh Victim

5:00 am The Ghost Ship

Sunday Oct 30

6:15 am The Leopard Man

7:30 am White Zombie

8:45 The Devil Doll

10:15 am The Uninvited

4:00 pm Them!

6:00 pm Forbidden Planet

Monday Oct 31

7:15 am The Reptile

8:45 am The Gorgon

10:15 am Dracula, Prince of Darkness (1966)

12:00 pm Dracula Has Risen From the Grave

1:45 pm The Curse of Frankenstein

5:00 pm The Mummy (1959)

6:30 pm The Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb

8:00 pm Village of the Damned

9:30 pm Night of the living Dead

11:15 pm Night at the Movies; The Horrors of Stephen King

12:15 am The Innocents

2:00 am The Haunting

4:00 am Repulsion

Friday, October 28, 2011

Flash Friday: Halloween Costumes

Happy Flash Friday! Since Halloween is quickly going to be upon us, I figured we’d take some time out and look at Flash related costumes. Now I’m not talking about high quality suits that people spend all year getting ready so they can wow people at conventions. I’m talking about the “hey I’m going to grab something off the shelf and wear it” Halloween costumes. Also I’m not talking about masks, because I’ve already done that HERE.

The adult Flash costume is clearly based on the Wally West costume used in the Justice League cartoon. In fact most of the listings I’ve found for the costume list it as a Justice League Flash. This costume also comes with the sculpted chest muscles. Besides the fact that it looks more like pillow padding then muscle, the sculpted muscle costumes always creep me out. Something just feels wrong about them.

And now a dramatic recreation of the design process for 80% of every woman’s Halloween costume:

“Hey Bill. So today we have to come up with a female version of that male costume.”
“Hmm. I have an idea. Why don’t we make it slutty?”
“Slutty Halloween costume out a normally innocent property? Brilliant!!”

In all honesty the woman’s Flash costume isn’t really slutty. It is a little strange though since there is no basis for the design. I mean it obviously isn’t based on the Lady Flash costume or any of the million costumes Jesse Quick has worn. At least it isn’t a bad looking costume I suppose.

Enough with the adults, here we have two different versions of the kid’s costumes. Aren’t they cute? When dressing your kid as the Flash they have the choice of creepy muscled chest or normal looking chest. Again both of the Flash symbols are based on the Justice League cartoon’s design. I wonder when we’ll see that switch. And when it does change will it go to the classic or the new logo with the yellow circle around it?

Last but not least we have an actual Kid Flash costume. They wasted no time getting Young Justice merchandise out apparently. This is obviously based on the new cartoon. The suit looks damn good actually. I’m not sure how much coverage the mask has. It could end at the ears or it could be a whole head mask. None of the descriptions of the costume actually give that detail and every website uses the same stock photo as the one I used so that is no help.

That’s it for this Flash Friday and Happy Halloween everyone.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hangover Thursday: Solo Cup Upgrade

It’s Hangover Thursday, how’s your head? I took a beating yesterday that only a Black and Tan could make better. It’s crazy how a beer can sometimes make things better. This last Sunday I did spend some time at World of Beer and tried a handful of new beers. Erie Railbender Ale was one of them. If you see this in your local bar or on the shelf, I highly recommend you grab yourself a couple.

Today we’re talking about the Solo cup. You probably recognize them. The cheap plastic cups that come in sleeves. They are required at ever kegger. When I started making Everbeer it was the only acceptable thing to drink it out of. A quick note on Everbeer, for those celebrating All Swine’s Day this January, it will be the official drink.

Think Geek is now selling a ceramic version of the red Solo cup they are calling the Party Cup for Grownups. 9 dollars will get you one cup capable of holding 18 ounces of your favorite party libation. It’s dishwasher safe too. Of courses you have to ask yourself if you want an expensive replica of a throw away item. Do you want a nice version for 9 dollars or 50 cheap ones for the same price?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Games Workshop Altamonte

This past Saturday I went to the grand opening of my local Games Workshop store. Now I’ve been hanging out there a lot since I learned of their “soft opening” in August, but I knew I had to come out and see the big event. The store opened at noon, I got there at fifteen after and was immediately surprised by the crowd. People were crowded from the back of the store all the way to the front.

The store was selling limited edition flags and dice bags. The 40K stuff went quick. I think the dice bags were gone 30 minutes after the doors opened. The store also had three competitions going on; one for Fantasy, one for 40K, and one for the best painted army. The Fantasy side was a little sad. It consisted of one veteran player teaching someone who had just purchased an army. Just seeing it on the table did generate interest though, so I doubt the store will be Fantasy-light for long.

The 40K actually ran almost all the way to the store closing. The big surprise was that the final two armies that faced off against each other were Tyranid and Ork. The Ork army was a massive horde of green and was pretty much unstoppable all day long. They pretty much rolled the bugs over and ground them under their nobby boots. All of the games seemed really casual that day, so everything seemed relaxed and fun instead of hyper competitive.

So how did I do in the tournament? Yeah… I’m still working on that. Honestly I don’t even own enough figures yet to field the 1,500 points that were needed for the tournament. I’m working on it, but I’m about 600 points shy. And I would have needed to have them painted too. So far on the painting front I have 10 marines finished and I’m hoping to have 11 more done by Sunday. I got some fantastic painting advice from Game Workshop painter John Shaffer (who looked down just as I leaned in for a picture), so expect to see some pictures of my stuff soon.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fuck You Glade

Today is October 25th. We are just days away from Halloween. I’m thrilled by the amount of monsters and scariness that are on store shelves and on the television. All of the bats and black cats make me happy. And then glade went and did it. I’m happily watching television two nights ago and a commercial comes on for Glade’s new Christmas scents. Fuck you Glade. Fuck you right in the ear.

Look, I realize that a lot of stores have that anemic looking pre-Christmas isle set up already. I don’t like it but I get it. I know once we’re in November the Christmas songs are going start. I have nothing against Christmas, but please let me enjoy Halloween before you start. I still want to be thinking about witches and goblins, not reindeers and elves.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Turner Classic Movie Lineup III

We are continuing our public service this week by making sure you know what is going to be on Turner Classic as we get closer and closer to Halloween. Today I’m giving you the line up for Monday and Friday nights. Carnival of Souls is a must watch if you’ve never seen it. I’ll be setting my DVR for Motel Hell too, it isn’t a great movie but it’s one of those horror movies that stuck with me when I saw it at a young age.

Monday Oct 24

8:00 pm Carnival of Souls

9:30 pm Night at the Movies; The Horrors of Stephen King

10:30 pm Dementia 13

12:00 am Strait-Jacket

1:45 am Pit and the Pendulum

3:15 am The Masque of the Red Death

5 am Devil’s Bride

Friday Oct 28

8:00 pm Dead Ringer

10:00 pm The Black Room

11:15 pm The Other

1:00 am Dead Men Walk

2:15 am Motel Hell

Friday, October 21, 2011

Flash Friday: The Video Game

Happy Flash Friday everyone! This week both Brandon and I have been glued to the Xbox thanks to the amazing Arkham City. It makes me want a Flash game. The Flash has been in video games before. You can see him in the horrible Justice League Task Force fighting game, Justice League Heroes, his own Gameboy Advanced game, in Mortal Kombat vs DC, and in the DC MMO. You can also find footage and Roger Robinson’s concept art from the canceled Flash game.

The Arkham games get the concept of Batman and do it right. They respect the brawler, the detective, the gadgets, and the hunter. Because of years of Bat-God treatment, Batman is one of my least favorite DC characters. Playing these games make me giddy about the character, that’s how good they are. So how could we take this concept and modify it to the Flash character? I’ve got a few ideas.

Both Arkham games isolate Batman and cut him off from the rest of Gotham City. In the first he is locked in the asylum in the newer one he is confined to the prison area. These barriers make it easier to contain the story. Considering how quickly the Flash can be in another country, this would be very important in a Flash game. There is precedence for this happening in the past too, remember that Kobra once surrounded Keystone with a giant force field.

When news about Arkham City started coming out and we got information about how many villains were in it, I was worried. It seemed like there were going to be way too many. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Cut off from the outside world every villain is in it for himself. This could work so well in a Flash game. Maybe Grodd and his minions are in one area of town. Kobra might be holding another section. Cicada has cultist in yet another section. Maybe there is a full blown Rogue war. The possibilities are endless.

The most important thing the Arkham games do is make you feel like Batman. Anything you imagine he should be able to do, he does. Obviously in a Flash game you’d need to be able to move fast, but that isn’t all. Let us run up walls and across water. To make it easier in game terms put in certain types of walls that we can vibrate through. Let us create whirlwinds. Use the police radio built into the suit’s ear pieces to receive new information. Since Barry is Warner Brother’s go to Flash now days drop some crime scene investigation in there too.

As much as I love the family of speedsters, if the game did include a second playable character I’d really prefer it if it was someone that had a completely different set of powers. In Arkham City the difference between Batman and Catwoman is huge. I actually prefer running around as Catwoman due to the way she scales walls, it’s ridiculously fun. So if the Flash game does have a second character give us someone like Piper to play.

These are just the game ideas that have been in my head. What would you like to see in a Flash game?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hangover Thursday: Your Bar Misses You

It’s Hangover Thursday, how’s your head? I’ve mentioned this before, but most of my drinking lately has been at home. Last night I enjoyed some of Fat Tire’s Hoptober, a perfect beer for some crisp fall weather. While it is cheaper to drink at home, I do miss hanging out at my favorite bars though. I’ll be fixing that this Sunday.

I briefly mentioned last week that one of the bars actually sent me an email saying they haven’t seen me in awhile. Above is a picture of that email, with all my personal info and the coupon itself removed. It was sent by the Lake Mary World of Beer. I talked about how much I like the World of Beer chain awhile back and a simple thing like that makes me like them even more.

Just because I’m talking about a franchise today doesn’t mean I won’t end up at my locally owned spot next week. It has been way too long since I’ve been in there. My glass has probably gotten all dusty.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

7 Days Left for Max!

I know, I know. I keep putting up links to awesome things to spend money on. I get it. I have to mention this though because of how strongly I feel about it. There are 7 more days to donate to the Max Overacts Volume One project at IndieGoGo. I wish I could donate more. I can’t, so I’m making sure you all know about it.

We’ve talked about Caanan Grall’s web comic three times before this, so yeah I’m a fan. Don’t take my word for it though. Go to and read it for yourself. Humor, deep characters, touching stories, amazing art, it has everything. I’ve mentioned numerous times Caanan is also the artist who designed our very own monkey mascot Punch. So we have to help him out.

Now I know if you go to the auction you’ll see it is very possible he won’t make his goal. While sad, this isn’t the same as a Kickstarter auction. You’re donation will still go through regardless of meeting the goal or not. What is going to happen is a smaller number of books will be printed then initially hoped for. If you donate enough for a book, you’ll still receive a copy.

Again, click HERE and pre-order yourself a book or help out how ever you can.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Curse of the Phantom Shadow

It should be no surprise to anyone that reads the site that Brandon and I are big Pulp fans. I love Tommy guns, zeppelins, and two fisted justice. Because of that I’m very excited about the upcoming short film, Curse of the Phantom Shadow.

The movie is set in a stylized 1948 where the villainous Phantom Shadow is launching missile attacks on the United States. The government calls in Agent 236 to stop the Shadow. Heavily influenced by B movies and old serials this film is the work of Mark Ross.

Mark needs our help though. Up until this point the Curse of the Phantom Shadow has been financed completely by Mark’s own bank account. They have 75% of the film done but they are in desperate need of more funding to complete the movie. You can help by checking out their kickstarter. Mark can explain much better than I can, so when you're finished here make sure you hit the kickstarter link and watch the video there.

The way they are trying to recapture the old feel of the serials reminds me a lot of The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. I mean that in a really good way, that movie was amazing. So I want to see this film finished. If you go to the kickstarter page come back and let us know what you think of it.  I know I'll be making a contribution soon.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sometimes You Wanna Go...

Last week I mentioned that I had been watching "Cheers" on Netflix. It is a show that I remember watching as a kid and it has brought back some memories of when alcoholism was hilarious. Ah the late 80's and early 90's were a magical time. The show is still really funny and does hold up. Plus the old dude Al that quips up at random times is pure gold. He does not talk often and I am pretty sure he died around season 6, but when he does talk it always made me chuckle.

Having seen that opening about one hundred and eighty seven times in the past few months, you start to notice some odd things. Not mentioning the weird paintings (that drunk dude is straight looking up that chicks dress under the table during the title) there are quite a few of the old time pictures that have people coming dangerously close to the "douche face". You know the one, with the pursed lips. When did that become the cool way to get your picture taken?

I just want to punch this fucktard in the fucking face.

Which leads me to my thesis - watching in modern times I have found that the character of Sam Malone, played by Ted Danson, might possibly be the point of divergence between normal guys and massive douchbags.
The reason for the suffering?

Sam Malone is the template for the modern douche. All he cares about is looking good and getting laid, at the expense of all other things in life up to and including education and the betterment of ones self. It is like the douche saw this in syndication and began to model their life around the Malone Philosophy™. Of course because the douche is borderline retarded, they failed to take into account that this character was like he was for the express purpose to be laughed at. To top it off the second female lead Rebeca Howe, played by Kirstie the Hutt (although to be fair, back in the Cheers and Star Trek III days she was pretty hot), is nothing but a gold digging whore that will put withup with anything as long as the cash is flowing. Again not something to aspire to.

I will leave you this week with some Al. I am telling you the old man is comedy gold.

As always Let Your F'ing Voice Be Heard in the comments or on our Facebook page.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Turner Classic Movie Lineup II

Usually I find out Turner Classic is showing a movie I’d like to watch when it is just ending or already over. So I pulled up their entire Halloween line up early this month and I’m sharing it with you. Every Monday night until Halloween they’ve got a great line up of horror classics. This Monday starts off with House of Dracula which has never been one of my favorites. After that first movie we get a mini Vincent Price marathon (House on Haunted Hill, The Tingler, House of Wax). Remember that House of Wax was filmed in 3D that will help explain some of the shots (especially the paddle ball).

Monday Oct 17

8:00 pm House of Dracula

9:30 pm House on Haunted Hill

11:00 pm The Tingler

12:30 am House of Wax

2:15 am Curse of the Demon

4 am Night at the Movies; The Horrors of Stephen King

5 am Bucket of Blood

Friday, October 14, 2011

Flash Friday: Squatz

Happy Flash Friday everyone! The DC marketing machine has been busy lately. I’m seeing DC themed merchandise popping up all the time now and it has caused me to be a little more cautious with my spending. Just because I’m not buying some of the new Flash toys doesn’t mean we can’t talk about them, so let’s talk Squats.

Squats were one of the original races in Warhammer 40k that have been dis… Wait, today we’re talking about Squatz with a Z. The Z makes all the difference here. Squatz are small plastic toys that come in a thick shell that dissolves in warm water. Their main play value is dissolving the fizzy shell, which can only be done once. They don’t really have articulation but for some reason you can pull of their heads and swap them with other figures.

I found the Flash Battle Pack at my local Toys R Us. In the Battle Pack you are guaranteed to get a Flash. The other figure in the pack is a blind random assortment. It doesn’t say if the random figures are pulled only from the 7 characters that don’t have their own named Battle Packs or if the whole line is up for grabs. The only other Flash related character in the line is Gorilla Grodd.

So why didn’t I buy it? I mean I’ve bought some pretty strange looking Flash figures in the past. I wasn’t digging the design. I think I need actual arms on my figures. The fact that the second Squatz was blind packed didn’t help either. If I knew I was getting Flash and Grodd I would have been more tempted. I didn’t really need a random Robin or Penguin. With all those concerns I couldn’t justify the 7.99. So what about you? Have you jumped onto the Squatz train?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hangover Thursday: Cartons of Beer

It’s Hangover Thursday, how’s your head? I had a couple of Fat Tires last night while rolling dice with friends but it looks like most of my drinking this week will be reserved for the weekend. I haven’t gotten out to my local bars lately and I miss them. It seems they miss me too, one of them sent me an email with a coupon for a free draft beer. And draft beer is what we are talking about today.

I’m going to apologize in advance to any readers in England; this is probably going to sound like old news to you. I’m going to set up a little scene here. You’re out with some friends (including a designated driver), but you got a late start. Everyone finally shows up to the bar at 11 or 12. You hang out for a few hours and before you know it, it’s last call. Now you’re still in a drinking mood, but if it is last call then all the other stores that sell beer are going to be closing too. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could order a couple drinks to go? That is where the beer carton comes in.

The beer carton holds two pints of beer in a milk style carton. How amazing is that? You’re friendly bartender fills it up with your favorite brew, seals it up, and you are on your merry way. I think it is a fantastic idea. Even though I know a few bars that will sell you a six pack when they are closing I think it would be a hard sell in the states. What do you think? Would you drink beer out of a carton?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Muppet Etiquette

The Muppets have been releasing a steady stream of teasers for their new movie and I have to say that although I wanted to stay cautious, I’m really excited to see it. The latest clip to hit the Muppet Studio Youtube channel is actually a policy video for AMC theaters.

Yeah, I’m officially excited. Depending on my work schedule I may even try and see it opening week. I can’t remember the last time I went to a theater on a holiday weekend. Anyway as the movie gets closer I’m sure we’ll have even more Muppet news.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Horror Hosts

Since it is October and we already have started talking about TCM’s classic line ups, we still need to talk about some of the other horror offerings on television this month. Now I have no idea what the CW is doing with Elvira’s Movie Macabre, there hasn’t been a cancelation announcement but it isn’t airing any more either. While that is sad news, there is still a very famous movie host dishing out classic horror movies.

Me-TV is showing movies hosted by that Chicago icon Svengoolie. Saturday night I watched the Mole People and it looks like this weekend he is showing Dracula! Now a month ago I didn’t even know I had Me-TV, it was buried that far down my channel list So if you haven’t heard of it, you may want to check your own channel guide.

For those not familiar with Svengoolie he has been hosting movies in Chicago for over thirty years. In the breaks between the movie he breaks out with jokes, skits, rubber chickens, and references to Berwyn, Illinois. It is a seriously good time. In between all the jokes he also drops some pretty cool trivia about the actors, movies, etc. Now I still want Elvira back, but I’m very happy to have Svengoolie around.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Random Stuff

I have just a quick random stuff update for ya today.

First up - Hockey season finally started last Wednesday. So Go Lightning!

On that same note, the Comic Hockey League is in a lockout this year. Some ownership problems have kept us off the fantasy charts for the season. It has become a staple of my Hockey season and I am going to miss it this year, but c'est la vie. Perhaps next year we will open up expansion to some readers.

Next - The Zombie Dickheads One-shot is avalible to buy starting today

So go and buy it right now, I will wait...Buy the Dickheads!
See now you can be happy in the knowledge that you have got a comic coming to you in the mail soon.

Finally I was sick all weekend and that sucks. What sucks more is that when you are single and sick you have no one to whine to and to bring you medicine. Also I watched a ton of Netflix on the ol' Xbox. During that time I came up with an interesting (to me) theory on the show "Cheers" that I will do a full post on next week. So come back for that. You know you want to.

As always Let Your F'ing Voice Be Heard in the comments or on our facebook page.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Turner Classic Movie Lineup

It’s October, so that means there are some fantastic Horror movies popping up. My favorite movies tend to be the ones running on Turner Classic. So as a public service, each week I’m going to point out the important movies that are going to help you get into that Halloween spirit. Most of the Halloween program seems to be set for Monday nights, so we’ll be giving you a heads up every Saturday.

Monday Oct 10

8:00 pm The Wolf Man

9:15 pm The Uninvited

11:00 pm Dead of Night

1:00 am I Walked with a Zombie

2:15 am Cat People

3:45am Curse of the Cat People

5:00 am Devil Bat

6:15 am Dead Men Walk

Friday, October 7, 2011

Family Loss

So the site didn't update yesterday and we aren't really having a Flash Friday today either.  The first thing that I want to say is to those emailed or called to find out why the site wasn't updating, thank you.  The fact that this site has become a daily visit for many people means a lot to me.

So what happened?  Wednesday my wife and I got the news that her Grandmother had passed.   She was an amazing woman and I didn't feel like doing a whole lot of writing.  I struggled with how much to say here, but I knew if I even hinted at it, I'd end up telling the whole story in the comments. 

Everything will be back to normal tomorrow.  In the mean time, everyone call your grandparents and tell them that you love them.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Diablo 3 Beta Access

There are people out there who are very, very excited about playing Diablo 3. There are also some pretty unscrupulous ass hats out there. When you mix the two together, you get the fake Diablo 3 invite I get in my spam folder about once a week.

Greetings from Blizzard Entertainment!
We’re gearing up for the forthcoming launch of Diablo III and would like to extend you an invitation to participate in the beta test. If you are interested in participating, you need to have a account, which you can create on our website.

We will flag you for access to the Diablo III beta test when we begin admitting press. You do not need to go through the opt-in process. To secure your place among the first of Sanctuary’s heroes,Please use the following template below to verify your account and information via email.

* Name:
* Battle.account name:
* Password:

* Country:
* E-mail Address:

Thanks and see you all in the Burning Hells!

Now why am I so certain this is fake? I don’t have a Blizzard account. I’ve never played World of Warcraft or Diablo. Well, I’ve played them, just not on my own PC or under my own name. So be careful out there. I know I’m excited about certain Beta invites too, but make sure they are legit. This has been a friendly service announcement from That F’ing Monkey.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just watch this.

Some times you stumble across something on the internet that is more important then anything else you had to say that day.

Yeah.  Anyone have any info on these guys?

Monday, October 3, 2011

How To: Make Glasses More Nerdy

If you have ever worn glasses you know that they break all the damn time. At least mine do, so the last time I got some thicker frames in the hopes of stemming the tide of breakage. It did not work. So with all the miniature toys I have been putting together lately I had some stuff that perhaps I could fix them this time. First I tried to pin them. Pinning is a technique used to put together larger and heavier minis. You drill a small hole in both sides you want to glue and use a pin (like a paper clip) to give support and more surface area for glue to set.

It did work for a few days, however with the amount of movement and all the glue was not really strong enough. So looking around my work table I figured I would use some of the magnets that I have sitting around.

So I drilled a bigger hole and preceded to magnetize my glasses.

And bam! I have the modern version of the tape on the bridge of glasses nerd stereotype.

Now after all that nerdiness that you don't care about here is an awesome video with Daffy Duck as an all powerful wizard...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

You May Also Like…

You may remember at the start of the month I posted a picture of a pile of Space Marine goodness. In that shot there was the novel Salamander by Nick Kyme. Well, I finished that book over the weekend and on Tuesday I found myself going to the local Barnes and Noble to pick up the second book in the Tome of Fire Trilogy, Firedrake.

Now this isn’t really about Warhammer 40k, it is more about what Barnes and Noble is doing. When I buy a new book I almost always keep the receipt because I use them as bookmarks. When I reached into my bag to grab the receipt this time I noticed there were two sheets of paper. The longer of the two was the receipt but the shorter one was something I had never noticed before.

The paper said, “You May Also Like…” and listed five other books that were either set in the Warhammer Fantasy or Warhammer 40k line of books. Not only did it list the titles, but if the books belonged to a series, it also listed what series. This time around it recommended books from the Horus Heresy, the Empire Army, and the Gotrek and Felix series.

I thought it was a neat touch. It also reminded me I’m a few books behind when it comes to Gotrek and Felix.