
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Monsters Sighted!!

Every once in a while I feel like I’m doing a public service to those people reading the site. This is one of those days. Monsters have been seen inside stores like Target and Walmart. I repeat, monsters have been seen inside stores. Well, monster cereal has. Boo Berry, Frankenberry, and Count Chocula are starting to show up again.

I’m one of those people. I love Boo Berry. I don’t like actually blue berries, I don’t like anything else flavored like blue berries, but I fucking love this cereal. I’ve almost finished my first box of it. I’m well on my way to my normal Halloween routine. As soon as it hits the shelves I usually buy two or three boxes immediately. I then eat it until I’m sick of it. Usually I’ve taken out three to four boxes of it by the time it starts disappearing from shelves.

The other great thing about this discovery is it means the Halloween decorations won’t be far behind.

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