
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tucker and Dale Vs Evil

This may have slipped under your movie radar, I know it did mine, but since this week was That F’ing Monkey goes to the movies, we must talk about Tucker & Dale Vs Evil.  It’s a simple premise; a group of hot college kids go on a camping trip and they run into two creepy looking hillbillies.  You’ve seen that movie before, but in this one, Tucker and Dale (the hillbillies) are actually innocent of all the accidental deaths that are happening around them.

This thing has been tearing up the convention circuit.  It won the Midnight Audience Award at SXSW, the Jury Prize for First Feature at Fantasia, the Best Director award at Fantaspoa, and the Best Motion Picture Award at Sitges.  The movie is available on demand now but will be showing up in some theaters on 9/30.  I really wanted to check this one out on the big screen, but it doesn’t look like it is coming to Orlando any time soon.  You can check out the play dates by clicking here. 

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