
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hangover Thursday: How to Booze

It’s Hangover Thursday, how’s your head? I had a couple beers here and there last night and then finished off with a pitcher of Guinness. It was enough that it made me want to sleep in this morning but not enough to actually give me a hangover. We’ve talked about booze books before when I wrote about the wonderful Old Man Drinks. Today we look at another book that will help you find that perfect drink.

How to Booze: Exquisite Cocktails and Unsound Advice is 224 pages of drink recipes and life advice. Written by Jordan Kaye and Marshall Altier the book pairs events with the proper drink. Going on a first date, there’s a drink for that. Stalking your Ex, there’s a drink for that. Besides the recipes and humor the book also covers the basic skills you need to make a proper cocktail.
The book is damn funny and would be worth reading even without the helpful drinking advice. Check it out if you’re looking to expand your drinking repertoire.

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