
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This is the last one of these for a bit, I promise. Tomorrow we get back to normal. Thursday morning there will be a Hangover Thursday like normal, but while the site is updating I’ll be on a flight to Charlotte for Heroes. There should still be updates on Friday and Saturday, so for the reader nothing should really be changing.

While I’ll have laptop access this weekend, expect the actual Heroes update on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. If you read our Megacon report, it is going to be very similar. If you’re going to be at the con, look for the bald guy in the F’ing Monkey T-shirt and say hello. Speaking of shirts, they are for sale. The button on the left goes to our new store. I will have some at the con, but if you want to make sure I have your size it would be best to email me before.

And then there is this….

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