
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hangover Thursday: Trumer Pils

It’s Hangover Thursday, how is your head? Flashpoint and other errands kept me from hitting the bar last night, but I’m sure I’ll make up for it later this week. Hell, I’ll probably need a beer just to keep my nerves in check during game 7 tonight. We’ve talked about beer commercials and advertising before, well this week I found another bit of advertising that has worked on me. I’d never heard of Trumer Pils before, but now I want to try one.

Just look at that magnificent Rube Goldberg machine! Sure I realize that they are using their logo all over the place, but I love the inclusion of all the kegs, bottles, and other beer related things. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a themed Goldberg machine before. Trumer’s website shows it is available in California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and Illinois. So it looks like I’ll have to wait until I’m on vacation before I track this one down.

If you missed the comments in last week’s Hangover Thursday, I’m going to be at the Ale House in Altamonte Springs on May 29 celebrating one year of That F’ing Monkey. This isn’t going to be a huge party, just a relaxed afternoon with food and a few drinks. If you are local and can make it, that’s awesome. If you are geographically unavailable then I’m sure we’ll have other opportunities to drink with the F’ing Monkey crew.

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