
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hangover Thursday: My Drunk Kitchen

It’s Hangover Thursday, how’s your head? I am currently in the middle of moving my work desk, so I’m more coffee deprived then anything today. That won’t stop us from talking about booze though. When I get drunk I get loud and I get hungry. Not just hungry, but supernaturally hungry. I’ve shoved food in my face for hours at a bar only to want something more to eat the moment I get home. That hunger sometimes leads to drunk cooking.

Hannah “Harto” Hart knows a thing or two about drunk cooking; in fact she has her own series of web videos called My Drunk Kitchen. I’m including two of those videos in today’s post but you owe it to yourself to watch all of them. That F’ing Monkey has been a long time fan of Epic Meal Time, but I promise you that Youtube has room for two booze infused cooking shows.

I don’t think I’m giving anything way, but most of the cooking jobs don’t go as well as planned. I can sympathize, when I used to live near downtown Orlando I once sat on the kitchen floor for half an hour prying off the top of a can of Chef Boyardee with a bottle opener. Of course the next day I found can opener in the drawer, but that night I was too far gone to find it. Back to My Drunk Kitchen, check out the videos, go to and check out her website. Enjoy the cooking. Fear the baking.

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