
Friday, May 20, 2011

Flash Friday: Helping Hands

Happy Flash Friday everyone! Today is something a little different, don’t worry it is still Flash related but a break from the F’ing Monkey norm. I don’t normally run updates that are repeating stories that can easily be found elsewhere, but I’m making an exception this time because it is for a very good cause.

Colorist Moose Baumann has run into some financial trouble and has tuned to the comic community for help. The story Newsarama wrote tells the story much better then I can.

A few years back my wife had breast cancer. She had chemo and a partial mastectomy, and we thought things were good. A year later we found out that it had spread, and she went in for more chemo and surgery. Several months prior she had lost her job and her insurance, and because of her "prior condition" no one else would insure her. So we've been working on paying off the full cost of her medical bills for the past two years, just north of $90 grand.

Right now work is scarce and money is super tight, and on June 1st it looks like we may lose our home because of all of this. I'm trying to sell some prints of my work online to make some quick cash, and hopefully keep my home. I'm reluctant to ask for help, it's embarrassing, but I'm at the end of my rope.

So that is the situation. I'm not going to start talking about the state of health care in the US or the government, this will never be that kind of site.  Instead you can help Moose out; check out his site by clicking here. He is currently selling 13”x19” prints that are on archival paper. They are 20 dollars a print. His email address is down in the comments section and he takes both money orders and Paypal. Look through the gallery, you’re going to recognize those covers. You probably love some of them, you just didn’t know you needed a nice copy to frame and hang up on your wall.

I’ve already posted a shorter version of this in the comments of Newsarma’s blog, but I want to tell the story here too. I got to meet Moose a few years ago at Megacon. He was selling prints of his work and I stopped to talk to him. While looking through his prints I pointed to the one above this paragraph, the cover to Flash 9. I told him the story how my wife bought it for me as a surprise wedding gift. He and I talked for a long time, both about how DC butchered the image by blacking out the entire background and then started talking about comics in general.

I think we probably talked for half an hour or more, but then I had to rush off to meet someone. As I was leaving though Moose called be back over. He quickly signed a print of my cover and handed it to me. It seemed I needed to own a print of the correct version. It was a small gesture of kindness, but it stuck with me. So that’s my story. You can waste time on my site anytime you want, go over to Moose’s and take a look at some prints.

***All images used today except for the last photo were taken from Moose's website so you can see what he has for sale.

1 comment:

  1. I really don't think he should feel embarrassed about the need for help on this one. There are quite a few individuals who are in this same boat.
