
Saturday, April 9, 2011

T-Shirt Interest

The day is finally here. Well it will be here on the 18th actually. That’s the day I’ll be going town to a local print shop and pricing out T-shirts. They will look like the mock up below; the only real chance I can see is the back may be printed in the same grey as the front. But other then that you’d still get the barcode, name, and url on the front and then on the back you’d have the Comics, Games, Booze. I’m not trying to get rich here; I just want to get some shirts out there. I can’t start quoting prices until I meet with the printer.

If you are interested in a shirt, I need your help. For the next week you‘ll see a poll above the updates. All I need is you to fill in the sizes you would need. This is not a commitment to buy but please only vote if you are interested in a shirt. Other feedback I’ve gotten through face to face conversations and email have been very helpful already; I probably wouldn’t have though about baby doll T-shirts if someone else didn’t suggest them to me. So feel free to use the comment section or email button if you have something on your mind.

EDIT:  I forgot to add 2XL.  If you need a size not listed in the poll please just email me or post in the comments.  Thanks!


  1. XXL please, I'll take 2 my friend

  2. Got it sir. As per the note, totally flaked on other sizes.
