
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lightning in a Cup

You may have noticed by now that I love movie tie-in merchandise. Not that I buy much of it, but I’m fascinated by the things that spring up when the big blockbuster movie hits the theater. The more random the object seems the funnier I think it is. Thor is coming out in May and the toy isles are already full of plastic helmets and hammers. Today though I’m not talking about the toy isle, I’m highlighting a different kind of Thor product.

Blue Lighting Blast Slurpee. If you’ve been in a 7-11 lately you’ll see they’ve been taken over by the Norse god of thunder. They are selling lenticular cups in both the fountain drink and Slurpee variety. Not to mention the plastic strays with little tiny people on top of them. The highlight of this marketing of course is the Slurpee machine.

As you can see by the picture above Blue Lighting Blast is “A Thunderous Blend of Raspberry and Tangerine.” It is the same blue as Windex, which made me pretty reluctant to try it. Actually I pretty much stick to the Coke flavor of Slurpee so I’m pretty reluctant to try most of their off the wall flavors. The wildest I’ll usually get is layering some cherry into the Coke. Well I’ve poured rum into them before too, but that is a different story.

So how does it taste? I’m surprised to say I liked it. I’m not a big raspberry fan normally, and I include both real raspberries and the sugary raspberry flavor most candies use. I do like tangerines though, so it is possible that cut of citrus was enough to make me enjoy it. Your mileage may vary, but I may even get another one before 7-11 moves onto its next movie flavor.

1 comment:

  1. Well if the trend continues it will most likely by Captain America themed. Red, white, and blue slurpees. Or perhaps "Hydrate yourself with Hydra tonic! Red Skull approved."
