
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Doctor Doom is Fucking Clown Shoes

Threatening to do something is easy. I could threaten to fill your socks every morning with lime Jello and orange Tic Tacs if I wanted to; but that threat wouldn’t hold any power unless I actually did said sock filling. Now if you’re familiar with the way That F’ing Monkey works you know that Brandon updates the site on Monday (it’s easy to tell it’s him by the green text). Long, long ago I warned him that I had images saved just incase he missed an update. Now I realize Brandon just went through hell week at work, so I’m not angry or anything, but he did force my hand. Doctor Doom is Fucking Clown Shoes.

This is Doctor Doom in the Fantastic Four movie. I like to call him Electric Doom because someone decided that he needed to be able to shoot lightning. Since this came out the same year as Revenge of the Sith we noticed his lightning looked a lot like Palpatine’s. Because of that, there is a song that goes like this:

Electric Doom!!
Now one with the Force!!
Midichlorians!! Midichlorians!!

This is Doctor Doom being attacked by squirrels. Sure the book is fairly famous and Squirrel Girl has become something of a cult hit but it is still a man in armor getting beaten up by rodents.

Check back tomorrow for a Hangover Thursday beer extravaganza. Until then enjoy Doctor Doom riding a unicorn (which is available in shirt form here).


  1. Damn, even though I knew it was coming it was still painful to go through. It is hard to deny the existence of the FF movie if pictures are thrown in my face. There will be an update on Monday, if just not to see what else Ken has saved on his computer.

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