
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Convention Season

Convention season is upon us. So I figured I’d take some time to talk about what that means for That F’ing Monkey. As of this writing I’ll be going to Megacon and Heroes. Brandon will not be at Megacon, but will be at Heroes. If he manages to find something to go to in Texas we’ll make sure to update the site.

Megacon is a local one for me and I’ve been there many, many times. In all honesty I skipped the last year just because I didn’t see many new artists on the guest list. I’m heading back this year though so if nothing else there should at least be one more addition to the Tales From the Brain Jar sketch book. After the convention we should also be running some interviews. I can’t give anything away yet, but I think it will be a little different then what you see on most news sites.

Heroes is the con I’m really excited about. I’ve only been one other time and I absolutely loved it. Brandon and I will both be there so there should be double the coverage afterwards. Brandon has an awesome themed sketchbook too, we just haven’t seen any of it on the site yet. By the time Heroes rolls around we should have F’ing Monkey T-shirts; which means I’ll probably be walking around with a backpack full of them for sale. We’ll talk more about F’ing merchandise after I get my tax return; just know it will be happening.

Well I guess we can talk mech a little. Shirts are 100% happening, probably starting some time next month. Is there anything else I should be looking into? I’d like coffee cups, but I’d really like to find a company that can do printing inside the cup. Anyway, what cons are you going to? Let me know your mecrh ideas.

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