
Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Guardian Project

This year’s NHL All-Star game is going to be interesting. I always like the skills competition, usually more then the game itself. This year the game is going to have the captains picking teams instead of just dividing the league down the middle. Oh yeah, and they’ll be debuting the 30 characters of The Guardian Project. What is the Guardian Project? 30 NHL themed superheroes. Each hero will represent a NHL team and its home town.

It seems the NHL and Stan Lee have teamed together for this one. If this takes off I’m sure we’ll be getting comics, cartoons, books, and any other merch that they can think of. Imagine it now; Dad takes son to the Lightning game. They get some hotdogs, Dad grabs a beer, and the son gets the newest Captain Lightning action figure. Captain Lightning would have lightning powers and secretly, the power to break Brandon’s heart.  Of course I’m making things up, we don’t know who the heroes are yet or what their powers are.  Captain Lightning is not the Tampa heroes name...unless it is...then I'm a genius.

I like this idea. I think it could work. I’m very interested in how they will adapt some of stranger team names into superheroes. Red Wing man needs an octopus sidekick, seriously. Just like Panther man needs to fight giant rats. Seriously, hockey + superheroes is a very F’ing Monkey topic. When the characters are revealed we’ll probably break them down and do one division a day until we’ve talked about them all.  We may have to save Southeast and Central for last, since those contain our favorite teams.  There is some kind of announcement coming next week. Hopefully it’ll be before I head out on vacation and the site switches to auto-updates.

It would be wrong of me to put all this out there and not admit that I am a little worried. Stan Lee is no doubt partly responsible for some great superheroes. More recently he is responsible for Stripperella and Lightspeed. Not to mention the NHL has had a cartoon before. It had something to do with duck aliens or something…

So I guess you can call me cautious, yet hopeful. I mean how bad could a superhero sponsored by a major league sport be? Anyway, check out the site at and see it for yourself.  Trust us, when there is more info on this project, you'll see it here.


  1. I think it would be interesting to not make an octopus sidekick for the redwings, but instead. Just make him Cthulu with bloody wings....

    It'll also be damned interesting to see them make super heroes out of teams NOT based on Emelio Estevez Alien Duck Tween Coming of age movie cartoons.

  2. I must admit that I am intrigued. This could be either super fun or head into the realm of "Pro Stars". I am looking forward to seeing what they do with teams like the Islanders and the Habs.

    We Herr at F'ing Monkey want to here your speculations, what powers would you give to HRH The King of L.A. or even a throw back team such as Jets Dude or The Golden Seal?

  3. That should be "We here" and "want to hear" stupid phone...

  4. NHL + comics. Did you have to get a change of pants when you heard this?

  5. The Golden Seal would be epic. Teams that have moved should still talk with their original accent. I'm looking at you Dallas Stars...

  6. This idea exploded in my head like a nuke. It's got amazing potential. Geography has been one of the most conspicuous absentees in superhero culture. Who can really call Batman or Superman his hometown hero? Done well, these heroes could become a serious source of community pride. Between the NHL rivalries and cultural identities, the subplots and jokes would practically write themselves.

    ...but then the ugly fallout of reality set in. I've seen what municiple committees can do to art, and it's never pretty. Stan the Man needs to take a double-dose of of daily meds and give this project some old-school inspiration, the kind of creativity and pathos that made Spiderman and the X-Men my childhood heroes before they were prostituted for movie money. Anything less, and these future collectibles will be lining birdcages.

  7. Haha I would love to see a Yeti (for the Avalanche) speaking with a French Canadian accent.

  8. This will be incredible. The NHL needs a boost. And I don't know a single hockey fan that isn't a comic fan honestly. Rock on.

  9. Dude!!! its like Stan Lee read your blog and drank the beers you recommend and decided he had the next idea for superheros.

    I'm pretty sure your a f'ing genius because Captain Lightning is much more fierce than Captain Thunderbug. I hope its St. Louis though cause I seriously love that little guy.

    Though it makes me really wish the Whalers were still called the Whalers. Cause Captain Ahab would be epic.

    Also, I've got tickets to our company suite for the Predators/Red Wings game in February... get to Nashville and you can be my date!!

  10. So there could be goofy CG heroes to introd8uce the team every night? Can there be animated battles on the jumbo-screens whenever there's a fight? I wanna see Gnash drop his cyber-titanium hero-knit gloves and deck whoever represents the Wild.

    More importantly, that Mighty Ducks image just totally derailed my brain and I had to look up Exo-Squad for some reason. There was suicide in my Saturday morning cartoons - I totally forgot.

  11. Crystal, you had me looking at travel sites.

    DeviousPuck, ahhh Exo-Squad. Yeah, I think that is going to be a topic in the New Year. Such an under-rated cartoon.

  12. Cool! I will actually watch a hockey game

  13. I am sadly a bit skeptical since all previous attempts for sports and comics has either been lackluster or total fail. Not saying it doesnt have potential, just hard to pull it off well enough to be popular instead of a fanboy treat. Good luck Marvel...Im still waiting for my refund for Spiderman 3.

  14. I really hope they pull this off. In the midst of thinking what Minnesota's Guardian would be, I pray they will not fall to something idiotic like "Wild Thing." If they do, hide the guns and fire making technology .... I may just burn the State.

  15. Did you see that they released posters of the match-ups? You can see all of them at
