
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

For Michael

The next three days I'm doing something a little different.  I'm looking back at the past year and thanking the people who have helped me and That F'ing Monkey. I talked about Michael May a bit ago when I brought up the Kill All Monsters web comic. If you haven’t read that yet, you really need to. Anyway, what you probably do not know is his Adventure Blog is the reason I started That F’ing Monkey.

I had known Michael for a long time because of the forum on Steve Niles’ website and always found it interesting when he had something to say. As the board began to slow a little I saw the link in his signature and followed it over to his blog. I believe it had to do with him reviewing the different versions of Stagecoach. Suddenly a world of mermaids and jungle girls opened up around me. It became something I was checking daily to see what pictures he had to share. Then the thought came to me, I should do something like this.  I have strange things I went to tell the world.  See?  It is all his fault. 

So as we start wrapping up the year I just want to say thank you to Michael May. I continue to look forward to your thoughts, comments, and friendship.


  1. Aww, dude. Thanks! I've enjoyed getting to know you too and means a lot that I've inspired anyone to start blogging. You've got a good one too, so that makes it even cooler.

    And that's a very cool Alpha Flight image. Where's it from? It's obviously Byrne, but I don't remember seeing it before.

  2. In all honesty I wrote this post and found the picture about a week and a half ago. I know I just google image searched for a good group shot but I don't remember the source.

    I just knew I needed a good Alpha Flight pic and what I know so little about them that it's criminal.

    I'm kind of amazed the site was able to handle a week's worth of scheduled blogs.
