
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy 100!!

That F’ing monkey is only a post away from 100 posts! And tomorrow I’m actually taking the day off from work and the blog to recharge the batteries, play some video games, and drink some beer. So Friday’s Flash Friday will be the actual 100th post.

I was hoping to have a huge shakeup for number 100, but funds cut some things short. By now you should have noticed the new layout, hopefully you like it. The buttons on the right will take you to posts on Hangover Thursday, Flash Friday, or Brandon’s Guest Posts. Also there is finally away to drop us an email.

Even bigger news, we know have our own url. So is all you have to remember now! I wanted to replace the title monkey image, but I ran out of time and monies. I love the picture, but well, it was pulled from a cartoon. So someday that will be replaced; hopefully before we reach post 200. I have a cool theme for next week’s posts, so it should be interesting.

A big thank you for everyone who has stopped by to read, a giant thank you to anyone who passed to site on to friends, and a special thank you to Kelson over at for making sure the Flash community is kept up to date with Flash Fridays.

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