
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again; Where I've Been

So Brandon and I were away at the yearly That F’ing Monkey planning summit, well not really. The two of us went up to Pittsburgh for our friends Eric and Shannon’s wedding. Because we were up there for 5 days, expect this week, including Hangover Thursday and Flash Friday, to be mostly wedding trip themed.

So how did Pittsburgh treat me? Well the first thing I have to let you know is we stayed at a hotel near the airport with no other real transportation. For the most part, if we couldn’t walk there then we couldn’t get there. Considering there was a Primanti Brothers just a short walk down the street, we weren’t too worried.

If you aren’t a Pittsburgh native or addicted to the Travel and Food networks you’ve probably never heard of Primanti Brothers. It’s a chain founded in 1933 and famous for putting their coleslaw and french-fries on their sandwiches. I still have fond memories of my first visit to Pitt when I was a little kid. Ever since I can remember I’d pile my fries on my hamburgers, sandwiches, sloppy Joes, etc… When I got my first sandwich there it felt like someone understood me.

Our food choices were hotel food, Bob Evans, Primanti, or Wendys. We ate at Primanti a lot. I started with egg and capicola, then corned beef and pastrami; then hot sausage, and finally I created what I consider to be a masterpiece of sandwich construction. It was no slaw, double fries, egg, hot sausage, and capicola. That was just the sandwiches, there was also the giant slices of pizza for a buck fifty and the bacon, chili cheese fries. Not all in one day of course, just over the time we were staying there.

Check back tomorrow for the story of the craziest photographer in the word.


  1. Those sandwiches Were GOOD!!!!

    It was great seeing you two! let's do it again soon!!

  2. Hell yeah sir, it was a good time.
